C.O.P.S. recognizes that every law enforcement officer is subjected to crisis and tragedy as a part of their job. They see the most unthinkable acts of criminal behavior in our society. But are we doing a good job helping officers navigate these events over a course of a twenty to thirty year career?
We continue to see officers suffering from PTSD in growing numbers. Divorce rates continue to be higher for officers than the general public and tragically, too many officers choose to end their own lives each year.
This conference offers a much needed focus on officer wellness and the need to pro-actively address the cumulative stresses that can occur over an officer’s career. This conference is for all law enforcement officers (active or retired) nationwide. It is recommended for peer supporters, counselors, police chaplains and law enforcement spouses/significant others. Law enforcement survivors are also welcome to attend.
Pre-registration is mandatory for all attendees.